Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How To Download Firefox Using FTP On Windows XP

The FTP Technique lets you acquire programs and information from an FTP web wide range web wide range web host hosting server. The HTTP method used on the On the internet did not originally include performance for establishing up information that were not simply written text. FTP web servers still are available and provide a cause of programs using dedicated FTP customers or even the Windows Control Immediate. If On the internet Visitor is not working and you want to acquire Firefox, Mozilla's FTP web wide range web wide range web host hosting server contains all the versions of Firefox ever released.
more information please visit How To Examine Proxies Configurations On Mozilla Firefox

How To Download Firefox Using FTP On Windows XP

        1.Simply just Click on "Start" and then "Run".type command  "cmd.exe" and enter "OK." Type "ftp -A ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/" without the quotes and press "Enter."
        2.Simply justType command "ls" to see the available releases if you aren't sure which you want.just Type "cd releasenumber/win32" to enter the directory for the version you want to download. For example, to download version 4.0, replace "releasenumber" with 4.0 and press "Enter."

        3.Simply just Type command "ls" again to see the available languages, or type "cd en-US" to switch to the US English directory. Type "lcd Desktop" switch the local directory to your Desktop. Type "Binary" to switch modes.
        4.Type command "mget *.exe" to download the setup file.just Type "yes" and press "Enter." Wait for the file to complet downloading.just Double-click the file on your Desktop and follow the prompts to install mozilla Firefox.

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